Úterý, 18. června 2024

Landfill Gas-to-Energy Project, Seoul,Korea

Landfill Gas-to-Energy Project, Seoul,Korea

Landfill Gas-to-Energy Project
Seoul, South Korea


 Project Name
Sang-Am Landfill LFGTE


Korea District Heating Engineering Company, Ltd.

The City of Seoul retained the Korea District Heating Com­pany (KDHC) to (a) extract and use landfill gas from the city’s now-closed Sang-Am (formerly called Nan-ji Island) Landfill; and (b) upgrade and maintain the closed site so it is a “good neighbor” to the World Cup 2002 Stadium, located 2 km from the landfill.  KDHC retained SCS to apply North American expertise in LFGTE, construction-on-landfill technology, and landfill closure measures.

SCS also assisted 
in slope stability evaluation, leachate management, and other challenges at Sang-Am Landfill.

SCS Engineers Services 
  • Landfill stability evaluation.  During its operating life (from 1978 through 1993), about 92 million m3 of solid waste were deposited in uncompacted lifts to depths of about 90 m.  The result is a large landfill with very steep side slopes (about 2 horizontal to 1 vertical) that pose a threat of sliding without engineered improvements.
  • Options for design of building and pipeline foundations.  (It was necessary to locate the blower, gas cleaning, boiler, and flare station over about 30 m of waste in the landfill, out of view of the Stadium.)
  • Suitability of the landfill’s existing soil cover and need for improvements.
  • Leachate management systems.  SCS had previously identified optional leachate emission control measures (under contract to a prior prime contractor), including a deep cutoff wall that ultimately was installed between the landfill and the adjacent Han River .
  • Emissions monitoring program and odor controls.
  • LFG utilization considerations and alternatives.
  • LFG extraction, collection, processing, and flaring system.
  • LFG utilization and compensation agreement.  The LFG is to be used to produce hot water for distribution to commercial buildings on the City’s district heating grid.
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